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Nano Challenge
Direct Integrity Testing (NCDIT)
Purifics has developed and patented the first marker based DIT test for LT2ESWTR compliance. This displaces pressure-based (PB) DIT methods, which the entire membrane market utilizes, and eliminates reduced LRV certifications due to the low sensitivity of PB DIT's. Nano Challenge DIT provides LRV certification and measurements over 5.5 log. The heart of the invention is the challenge particulate - TiO2 is a conservative marker with NSF/ANSI61 certification and low cost ($0.06/DIT test).
"Marker-based tests are advantageous in that they provide a direct assessment of the LRV achieved by the process."
- 4.7.5 Marker-Based Integrity Tests, EPA Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual
"A marker based direct integrity test can be viewed as a "Mini Challenge Study"'
- 3.9.3 & 4.2.2, EPA Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual
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